Welcome to Mediare
What makes a great company successful? We find that great companies follow a vision that clearly defines how the company strives to create value for its customers, its employees and partners, its shareholders as well as society in general.
The primary goal of a business lies in offering products or services that present a certain value to its customers. In the past decades we have seen a shift in companies thinking. The focus of management has gone from a pioneering spirit and the value promise to shareholder value and the cost dimension.
We recognize the importance of shareholders and the ability to compete, but believe that there should be an increase of focus on innovation and a fair share of benefits from a companies activities for customers, employees and shareholders.
Our vision is to assist companies and individuals in upper management positions in developing a comprehensive value promise that incorporates
- Performance and Innovation
- Responsibility
- Courage
- Integrity
- Trust
- Respect
- Sustainability
As a company or as a leader we challenge you to apply personal values to your professional life and assume the position that it´s you shaping the world we live in today. Hey, if you as a leader don´t do it, who will?
What we do
Mediaire offers products and services in:
- Corporate Identity
- New Media
- Marketing Research
The starting point for all products and services we offer is the question “How can we add value to your business?”. Adding value to your business is our philosophy and the measure for our success.
Beyond the scope of our own product portfolio we run a network for business professionals and regularly host events and roundtables on current issues related to economy, media and politics. This network is a platform for business owners and managers to discuss and define what is important to us.
For us the discussion of ethics and values in itself represents a value. Results and insights of our roundtables are used in campaigns and publications. They also serve as a reference for consulting services we extend to politics and the media.
The Mediaire Connection is our way of having an impact on the way things go in this world.
You are invited to join us!